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Synchronization Basics Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 91

The e-Book Synchronization Basics Quiz Questions and Answers, synchronization basics Quiz MCQs PDF download, chapter 26-91 to study free computer architecture online courses. Study Pipelining in Computer Architecture MCQ Questions PDF, synchronization basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Synchronization Basics Trivia App Download: Free educational app for synchronization basics, network connectivity, memory hierarchy review, pipelining: basic and intermediate concepts, computer hardware procedures test prep for online computer science engineering.

The Quiz: Situations that prevent the next instruction in the instruction stream, from executing during its designated clock cycle are known as; "Synchronization Basics" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers previous stage, pipe stage, hazards and processor cycle to learn online training courses. Practice pipelining in computer architecture questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online college courses.

Synchronization Basics Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 91

MCQ 451: Situations that prevent the next instruction in the instruction stream, from executing during its designated clock cycle are known as

  1. pipe stage
  2. previous stage
  3. hazards
  4. processor cycle

MCQ 452: The Poisson distribution is described by the following equation (called the probability mass function)

  1. probability(k) = (e)(a*a)k/k!
  2. probability(k) = (e)(-a*a)k/n!
  3. probability(k) = (e)(-a*a)k + k!
  4. probability(k) = (e)(-a*a)k/k!

MCQ 453: Fetch-and-increment is another task of the

  1. atom exchange
  2. atomic exchange
  3. atomic synchronization
  4. none of above

MCQ 454: Every network that interconnects more than two devices also requires some mechanism to deliver each packet to the correct destination, the associated function is referred to as

  1. transmission time
  2. routing
  3. link injection bandwidth
  4. ip offload

MCQ 455: When the victim buffer is full, the cache must be

  1. be full
  2. be empty
  3. wait
  4. move next

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