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Computer Architecture Practice Test 79

Computer Types Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 79

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Computer Types Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 79

MCQ 391: The processor's general-purpose registers are stored in a structure called a

  1. queue
  2. register file
  3. stack
  4. memory

MCQ 392: Throughput is the performance metric, but response times are

  1. best
  2. delay
  3. limited
  4. none of above

MCQ 393: Data-level parallelism/task-level parallelism in a tightly coupled hardware which allows interaction among parallel threads are processed by

  1. Instruction-Level Parallelism
  2. Request-Level Parallelism
  3. Thread-Level Parallelism
  4. Vector Architectures and Graphic Processor Units

MCQ 394: For every instruction present in the buffer, prediction accuracy is

  1. 0.3
  2. 0.6
  3. 0.8
  4. 0.9

MCQ 395: The no of dies/wafer is approximately the area of wafer which is divided by the area of this die. It is estimated by

  1. (? (wafer diameter/2)2\die area) + (? x wafer diameter\(2 x die area)^1\2)
  2. (? (wafer diameter/2)2\die area)-(? x wafer diameter\(2 x die area)^1\2)
  3. (? (wafer diameter/2)2\die area)*(? x wafer diameter\(2 x die area)^1\2)
  4. (? (wafer diameter/2)2\die area)\(? x wafer diameter\(2 x die area)^1\2)

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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