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Computer Architecture Certification Exam Tests

Computer Architecture Practice Test 59

Real Faults and Failures Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 59

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Real Faults and Failures Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 59

MCQ 291: The most popular example of a wireless network relies on the radio with base stations, is

A) trellis codes
B) cell telephony
C) cellular telecoMMUnication
D) cellular telephony

MCQ 292: The horizontal and diagonal roofs when meeting offers, insight into the computer is known as

A) ridge point
B) gather operations
C) scatter operations
D) commit

MCQ 293: Faults that do not correct themselves over time, are

A) temporary faults
B) mistakes
C) permanent faults
D) failures

MCQ 294: No more than three nodes in a commercial system are known as

A) bidirectional topology
B) hypercube topology
C) binode topology
D) torus topology

MCQ 295: The number of tasks completed by the server in unit time is known as

A) latency
B) war stall
C) through put
D) delay

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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Real Faults and Failures App (Android & iOS)

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