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Network Topology Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 69

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Network Topology Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 69

MCQ 341: Hardware-based speculation method for executing programs is necessarily a

A) data flow speculation
B) control speculation
C) anti-speculation
D) all above

MCQ 342: For disks with more than 200 cylinders, the seek distance is

A) seek time(distance) = a * distance - 1 + b * (distance - 1) + c
B) seek time(distance) = a *( distance - 1)^1/2 + b * (distance - 1) + c
C) seek time(distance) = a /( distance - 1)^1/2 + b * (distance - 1) + c
D) seek time(distance) = a *( distance + 1)^1/2 + b * (distance - 1) + c

MCQ 343: New topologies that could reduce the number of switches through which packets must traverse, referred to as the

A) crossbar
B) crossbar switch
C) hop count
D) design

MCQ 344: Big Endian byte order putting the byte having address "x . . . x000" at the

A) least significant position
B) middle significant position
C) registry
D) most significant position

MCQ 345: Average memory access time can be calculated as

A) average memory access time = hit time + miss rate * miss penalty
B) average memory access time = hit time - miss rate * miss penalty
C) average memory access time = hit time + miss rate _ miss penalty
D) average memory access time = miss rate * miss penalty

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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Network Topology App (Android & iOS)

Network Topology App (Android & iOS)

Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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Digital Logic Design App (Android & iOS)