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Computer Architecture Practice Test 139

Caches Performance Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 139

Free Caches Performance Quiz Questions and Answers, caches performance Quiz MCQs PDF, chapter 26-139 to study online computer architecture degree programs. Study Pipelining in Computer Architecture MCQ Questions PDF, caches performance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free educational app: Caches Performance Trivia App Download & e-Book for caches performance, instruction level parallelism, addressing mode, role of compilers, introduction to pipelining test prep for computer software engineer online degree.

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Caches Performance Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 139

MCQ 691: Pipeline interlock introduces a stall or bubble, just as in the

A) data hazard
B) control hazard
C) structural hazard
D) both a and b

MCQ 692: The 64-bit virtual address of the AMD64 architecture is mapped onto

A) 64 bits physical addresses
B) 32 bits physical addresses
C) 52 bits physical addresses
D) 128 bits physical addresses

MCQ 693: A common measure of performance is

A) performance/price ratio
B) price/performance ratio
C) operation/price ratio
D) none of above

MCQ 694: Three different types of dependencies are

A) data, time, control
B) date, name, control
C) data, name, connectivity
D) data, name, control

MCQ 695: In immediate addressing the operand is placed

A) in stack
B) in memory
C) after op code in the instruction
D) in the CPU register

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

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