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Chapter 34: Computer Architecture Exam Tests

Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 34

Storage Systems Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 8

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The MCQ Quiz: In the formula given: Probability(k) = (e)-a*a^k/k!, 'a' is equal to; "Storage Systems" App APK Download (Free) with answers rate of events + elapsed time, rate of events * elapsed time, rate of events - elapsed time, and rate of events / elapsed time for bachelor degree online. Practice physical infrastructure and costs quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for top computer science schools in the world.

Storage Systems Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 8

MCQ 36: In the formula given: Probability(k) = (e)-a*a^k/k!, 'a' is equal to

A) Rate of events * Elapsed time
B) Rate of events + Elapsed time
C) Rate of events - Elapsed time
D) Rate of events / Elapsed time

MCQ 37: The set of corresponding tracks on all surfaces of a stack of disks form a

A) cluster
B) cylinder
C) window
D) areal density

MCQ 38: RAID 0 has no redundancy and is sometimes nicknamed as


MCQ 39: The operating system typically provides the file abstraction on top of blocks stored on the disk, called

A) logical units
B) logical volumes
C) physical volumes
D) both a and b

MCQ 40: Server utilization (and, in this case, the mean the number of tasks per server) is simply

A) server utilization = arrival rate - timeserver
B) server utilization = arrival rate + timeserver
C) server utilization = arrival rate * time server
D) server utilization = arrival rate / timeserver

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Storage Systems App (Android & iOS)

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Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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Operating Systems App (Android & iOS)