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Chapter 32: Computer Architecture Exam Tests

Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 32

Quantitative Design and Analysis Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 9

Free Quantitative Design and Analysis Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Quantitative Design and Analysis MCQ Quiz PDF, test 9 to study online Computer Architecture Course. Practice Major Hurdle of Pipelining MCQs, Quantitative Design and Analysis trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Quantitative Design and Analysis MCQs App Download & e-Book for how virtual memory works, dynamic scheduling and data hazards, network connectivity, pipelining: basic and intermediate concepts career test for 2 year computer science degree.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): MISD data stream is the abbreviation of; "Quantitative Design and Analysis" App Download (Free) with answers multiple instruction streams, single data stream, multiple instruction single data stream, multiple instruction streams, data stream and many instruction streams, single data stream for online computer classes. Solve major hurdle of pipelining quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for computer and information science.

Quantitative Design and Analysis Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 9

MCQ 41: MISD data stream is the abbreviation of

A) multiple instruction single data stream
B) multiple instruction streams, single data stream
C) multiple instruction streams, data stream
D) many instruction streams, single data stream

MCQ 42: The time between the start and accomplishment of an event is called a

A) response time
B) execution time
C) delay time
D) both a and b

MCQ 43: A 2nd key feature of server systems is

A) performance
B) scalability
C) price reduction
D) computation

MCQ 44: Reporting performance measurements guiding principle would be

A) durability
B) scalability
C) reproducibility
D) none of above

MCQ 45: What will be the clock of the floating-point unit, if floating-point instructions are not being executed?

A) enabled
B) disabled
C) continues
D) no effect

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Quantitative Design and Analysis App (Android & iOS)

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Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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