Computer Science Online Courses

Chapter 26: Computer Architecture Exam Tests

Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 26

Pipelining in Computer Architecture Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 2

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The MCQ: Splitting the cache into separate instruction and data caches or by using a set of buffers, usually called; "Pipelining in Computer Architecture" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers data buffer, cache buffer, instruction buffer for online computer classes. Practice distributed shared memory and coherence quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for computer information science.

Pipelining in Computer Architecture Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: Splitting the cache into separate instruction and data caches or by using a set of buffers, usually called

  1. cache buffer
  2. data buffer
  3. instruction buffer
  4. none of above

MCQ 7: The ideal CPI (Cycle per Instruction) on a pipelined processor is almost always

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4

MCQ 8: The fetch and execution cycles are interleaved with the help of

  1. clock
  2. modification unit
  3. fetch cycle
  4. program counter

MCQ 9: A stall is commonly known as

  1. pipeline bubble
  2. bubble
  3. hazard
  4. both a and b

MCQ 10: The pipelining process is also known as

  1. pipeline interlock
  2. assembly line operation
  3. stall interlock
  4. stall deadlock

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Pipelining in Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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