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Chapter 24: Computer Architecture Exam Tests

Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 24

Networks, Storage and Peripherals Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

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Networks, Storage and Peripherals Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ 11: The 32-bit, 33MHz PCI bus will have peak bandwidth of about

  1. 111 MB/sec
  2. 123 MB/sec
  3. 143 MB/sec
  4. 133 MB/sec

MCQ 12: The spread of data in the multiple disks is referred to as

  1. SCSI
  2. RAID
  3. striping
  4. hit rate

MCQ 13: What is the formula for the data transfer rate is?

  1. transfer size- transfer time
  2. transfer size\ transfer time
  3. transfer size + transfer time
  4. transfer size*transfer time

MCQ 14: Measuring the continuous service accomplishment and equivalently of the time to failure from a reference point is called

  1. reference
  2. reliability
  3. hit time
  4. hit rate

MCQ 15: The higher availability cost is reduced to 1/N, where N is the

  1. no of disks
  2. reliability
  3. seek
  4. bit rate

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Networks, Storage and Peripherals App (Android & iOS)

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