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Chapter 21: Computer Architecture Exam Tests

Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 21

Instruction Set Principles Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

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Instruction Set Principles Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ 11: When the control change is unconditional, then the instruction we use is

A) branch
B) jump
C) call
D) transfer

MCQ 12: How the addresses get specified by instructions is called?

A) addressing modes
B) registers
C) data mode
D) memory mode

MCQ 13: PC-relative addressing permitting the code for running independently, where it has been loaded, the stated technology is known as

A) position independence
B) position dependence
C) data independence
D) data dependence

MCQ 14: Addressing modes being used in the execution of the programs, have the purpose of significantly reducing the

A) hit miss
B) hit rate
C) clock cycle
D) instruction count

MCQ 15: One successful architecture which is very different from RISC is the

A) increased memory size
B) reduced number of addressing modes
C) all of above
D) having a branch delay slot

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Instruction Set Principles App (Android & iOS)

Instruction Set Principles App (Android & iOS)

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Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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