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Chapter 17: Computer Architecture Exam Tests

Computer Architecture MCQs - Chapter 17

Instruction Level Parallelism Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 1

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The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): An algorithm for generating software pipelining, which is a way of increasing instruction-level parallelism by interleaving different iterations of an inner loop is known as; "Instruction Level Parallelism" App Download (Free) with answers local scheduling, global scheduling, pre scheduling and post scheduling for online graduate programs. Solve exploiting ilp using multiple issue quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for top computer science schools in the world.

Instruction Level Parallelism Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: An algorithm for generating software pipelining, which is a way of increasing instruction-level parallelism by interleaving different iterations of an inner loop is known as

A) global scheduling
B) local scheduling
C) pre scheduling
D) post scheduling

MCQ 2: Having load before the store in running program order, then interchanging this order, result in a

A) waw hazard
B) structural hazard
C) war hazards
D) control hazard

MCQ 3: When instruction i and instruction j tend to write the same register or the memory location, it is called

A) input dependence
B) output dependence
C) ideal pipeline
D) digital call

MCQ 4: The instruction, Add Loc,R1 in RTN is

A) addsetcc loc + r1
B) r1<-[loc] + [r1]
C) r1 = loc + r1
D) none of above

MCQ 5: The two phases of executing an instruction are

A) instruction decoding and storage
B) instruction execution and storage
C) instruction fetch and instruction execution
D) instruction fetch and instruction processing

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Instruction Level Parallelism App (Android & iOS)

Instruction Level Parallelism App (Android & iOS)

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Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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