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How Virtual Memory Works Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book How Virtual Memory Works Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, How Virtual Memory Works MCQ PDF download to learn online computer architecture degree courses. Practice Computer Language and Instructions Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), How Virtual Memory Works quiz answers PDF for online information technology certification. Free learning app: How Virtual Memory Works MCQ App Download & e-Book for what is virtual memory, dynamic scheduling algorithm, memory addressing, sorting program test prep for online computer science schools.

The MCQ: In assembly language, d = a-e will be instructed as; "How Virtual Memory Works" App Download (Free) with answers sub d, a, e, sub d, a, f, subtraction d, a, e and subtraction d, a, f for online information technology certification. Study how virtual memory works quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for computer software engineer.

How Virtual Memory Works MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: In assembly language, d = a-e will be instructed as

A) sub d, a, e
B) sub d, a, f
C) subtraction d, a, e
D) subtraction d, a, f

MCQ 2: In later iterations, data accesses are dependent on the values of data produced in earlier iterations; this dependence is called a

A) data unit
B) loop-carried unit
C) data dependence
D) loop-carried dependence

MCQ 3: The time between the start and accomplishment of an event is called a

A) response time
B) execution time
C) delay time
D) both a and b

MCQ 4: Virtual machines provide an abstraction that is used for running the complete software stack, this stated abstraction is known as

A) managing software
B) managing hardware
C) supervision
D) row access time

MCQ 5: The hardware component replacing while the system is being run, is known as

A) cold swapping
B) blocking cache
C) hit time
D) hot swapping

Computer Architecture Practice Tests

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How Virtual Memory Works App (Android & iOS)

How Virtual Memory Works App (Android & iOS)

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