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Operators MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook - 77

Solve Operators multiple choice questions and answers PDF, operators quiz answers PDF to learn web development worksheet 77 for online mock test. Practice Expressions quiz questions, operators Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve c sharp test with answers for online computer science degree. Free operators MCQs, advanced topics in c sharp, boolean logic, operators test prep for programming certifications.

"Any programming language has a set of", operators Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices reserved consonants, reserved variables, reserved arrays, and reserved keywords to learn online school courses. Learn expressions questions and answers with free online certification courses for IT certifications.

Operators Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 77

Operators Quiz

MCQ: Any programming language has a set of

  1. Reserved Variables
  2. Reserved Consonants
  3. Reserved Arrays
  4. Reserved Keywords


Boolean Logic Quiz

MCQ: Choose the correct output for the following code <br/> <code> int y = 5; int x; int k = (!(Convert.ToInt32(y) > 10))? x = y + 3 : x = y + 10; Console.WriteLine(x); Console.WriteLine(y); Console.ReadLine(); </code>

  1. 5, 8
  2. 10,4
  3. 8,5
  4. 11,8


Advanced Topics in C Sharp Quiz

MCQ: Choose the correct statements

  1. b,c and d
  2. Content pages can reference controls in the master page.
  3. Content pages can reference public properties in the master page
  4. Content pages can reference public methods in the master page.


C# Syntax Quiz

MCQ: A preprocessor directive starts with a

  1. "# "symbol
  2. ". "Symbol
  3. include keyword
  4. new keyword


Advanced Topics in C Sharp Quiz

MCQ: A type of class which does not have its own objects but acts as a base class for its subclass is known as

  1. abstract class
  2. static class
  3. sealed class
  4. delegate class