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Delegates MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook - 5

Solve Delegates multiple choice questions and answers PDF, delegates quiz answers PDF to learn web development worksheet 5 for online mock test. Practice Advanced Topics in C# quiz questions, delegates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve c sharp test with answers for online computer science degree. Free delegates MCQs, object oriented programming, exception handling, variable naming, advanced topics in c sharp, delegates test prep for programming certifications.

"The delegate declaration consists of", delegates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices parameter list, return type, delegate keyword, and all of the above to learn online courses. Learn advanced topics in c# questions and answers with free online certification courses for IT certifications.

Delegates Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 5

Delegates Quiz

MCQ: The delegate declaration consists of

  1. return type
  2. parameter list
  3. delegate keyword
  4. All of the above


Advanced Topics in C Sharp Quiz

MCQ: If a class inheriting an abstract class does not define all of its functions then it is known as

  1. abstract class
  2. simple class
  3. static class
  4. public class


Variable Naming Quiz

MCQ: Valid variable naming rules are that

  1. A variable name can be a keyword
  2. The name must begin with a letter, can be followed by letters, digits and underscores
  3. A name can be a keyword or a combination of keywords
  4. Both b and c


Exception Handling Quiz

MCQ: Which of the following can be declared in an interface

  1. events
  2. methods
  3. enumerations
  4. All of the above


Object Oriented Programming Quiz

MCQ: A constructor

  1. is nameless
  2. has the same name as of the class
  3. never has a same as the class
  4. has no parameters