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Functions MCQ with Answers PDF Download eBook - 44

Solve Functions multiple choice questions and answers PDF, functions quiz answers PDF to learn web development worksheet 44 for online mock test. Practice Functions in C# quiz questions, functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve c sharp test with answers for online computer science degree. Free functions MCQs, switch statement, object oriented programming, advanced topics in c sharp, just in time compiler and common intermediate language, functions test prep for programming certifications.

"Function names are usually written in", functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices php, pascal, hungarian, and camel notation to learn online educational courses. Learn functions in c# questions and answers with free online certification courses for IT certifications.

Functions Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook 44

Functions Quiz

MCQ: Function names are usually written in

  1. Pascal
  2. Php
  3. hungarian
  4. camel notation


Just In Time compiler and Common Intermediate Language Quiz

MCQ: In .NET JIT stands for

  1. Jittered
  2. Just in time
  3. Joint interoperatability test
  4. Joint investigation time


Advanced Topics in C Sharp Quiz

MCQ: The form of inheritance is not supported directly by C# .NET is

  1. multiple inheritance
  2. multilevel inheritance
  3. Single inheritance
  4. Hierarchical inheritance


Object Oriented Programming Quiz

MCQ: The following code will<br/> <code> sample c; c = new sample(); </code>

  1. Create a nameless object of the same type sample
  2. Create an object of the type sample on the stack
  3. Create an object called sample
  4. not be compiled


Switch Statement Quiz

MCQ: The correct syntax is

  1. switch (myInteger) { case 1: <code to execute if myInteger == 1> break; case -1: <code to e
  2. switch (myInteger) { case 1: <code to execute if myInteger == 1> break: case -1: <code to e
  3. switch (myInteger) { case 1: <code to execute if myInteger == 1> break; case -1: <code to e
  4. A and C