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C Sharp Practice Test 23

Delegates Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 23

The Book Delegates Quiz Questions and Answers PDF, Delegates Quiz PDF Download, Free Ch. 2-23 to study c sharp online courses. Study Advanced Topics in C# Quiz Questions PDF, delegates Multiple Choice Questions for online college degrees. The Delegates Trivia App Download: Free learning app for operators, advanced topics in c sharp, type conversion, looping, delegates test prep for programming certifications.

The Quiz: Choose the most appropriate option for the following line of code
delegate void del(int i);
; "Delegates" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers the del class will be derived from the multicastdelegate class., on declaring the delegate a class called del will get created., the del class will contain a one-argument constructor and an lnvoke() method. for online computer science certification. Practiceadvanced topics in c# questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for IT certifications.

Delegates Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 23

MCQ 111: Choose the most appropriate option for the following line of code
delegate void del(int i);

  1. On declaring the delegate a class called del will get created.
  2. The del class will be derived from the MulticastDelegate class.
  3. The del class will contain a one-argument constructor and an lnvoke() method.
  4. All of the above

MCQ 112: Correct syntax of the do while loop is

  1. do { while (); }
  2. do { } while ();
  3. do { } while ()
  4. do { while () }

MCQ 113: Char cannot be converted to 1.ushort 2. int 3. uint 4. long 5. ulong 6.float 7.double 8. decimal

  1. 1,2,4
  2. 1,2,7,8
  3. 4,5,3,6
  4. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

MCQ 114: A a valid skin code inside a skin file is

MCQ 115: Choose the correct method

  1. "++a++;"
  2. "a+=1;"
  3. "a++1;"
  4. "a=+1;"

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