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Computer Hardware and Software Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 114

Learn Computer hardware and software mock test for exam, computer hardware and software MCQ with answers pdf to solve C++ test 114 for online job interview. Practice Introduction to Programming Languages Trivia Questions and answers, computer hardware and software Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer programming. Free computer hardware and software MCQs, algorithms, passing by value and reference, scala programming language, control structures, computer hardware and software test prep for online computer science and engineering.

"Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions termed as", computer hardware and software Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices computer data, computer programs, computer buses, and computer instructions for online master programs. Learn introduction to programming languages questions and answers with free online certification courses for top computer science schools.

Trivia Quiz on Computer Hardware and Software PDF Download eBook

Computer Hardware and Software Quiz

MCQ: Computers process data under the control of sets of instructions termed as

  1. computer programs
  2. computer data
  3. computer buses
  4. computer instructions


Control Structures Quiz

MCQ: The conditional operator in C++ is denoted by

  1. ? :
  2. = :
  3. : ?
  4. < =


Scala Programming Language Quiz

MCQ: Scala was released in

  1. 1990
  2. 2000
  3. 2002
  4. 2003


Passing by Value and Reference Quiz

MCQ: Which statement is correct about Passing by value parameters?

  1. It cannot change the actual parameter value
  2. It can change the actual parameter value
  3. Parameters is always in read-write mode
  4. None of them


Algorithms Quiz

MCQ: An artificial and informal language that helps programmers to develop algorithms, is called

  1. Instruction code
  2. Algocode
  3. Pseudocode
  4. Control code