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Private Member Functions Practice Test PDF Download eBook p. 108

Learn Private member functions mock test for exam, private member functions MCQ with answers pdf to solve C++ test 108 for online job interview. Practice Classes and Subclasses Trivia Questions and answers, private member functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online computer programming. Free private member functions MCQs, increment and decrement operators, object oriented approach, computer hardware and software, objective c programming language, private member functions test prep to learn online certificate courses.

"Which function is called when an object reaches to the end of its scope?", private member functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices destructor, constructor, access function, and none of them for online computer science degrees. Learn classes and subclasses questions and answers with free online certification courses for computer software engineer online degree.

Trivia Quiz on Private Member Functions PDF Download eBook

Private Member Functions Quiz

MCQ: Which function is called when an object reaches to the end of its scope?

  1. Constructor
  2. Destructor
  3. Access function
  4. None of them


Objective C Programming Language Quiz

MCQ: Language that has become the key programming language for the Mac OSX operating system is

  1. Objective C
  2. Basic
  3. Pascal
  4. Ada


Computer Hardware and Software Quiz

MCQ: The programs that run on a computer are referred to as

  1. hardware
  2. software
  3. file ware
  4. soft firm


Object Oriented Approach Quiz

MCQ: Components which communicates with each other by calling one another's member functions are

  1. objects
  2. members
  3. bits
  4. errors


Increment and Decrement Operators Quiz

MCQ: Unary decrement operator is denoted by

  1. − −
  2. +
  3. + +