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Control Structures Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 7

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Control Structures Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 7

MCQ 31: Bohm and Jacopini's work demonstrated that all the programs must be written in terms of

A) Sequence structure
B) Selection structure
C) Repetition structure
D) All of them

MCQ 32: Using keywords as an identifier causes

A) Logical error
B) Run time error
C) Syntax error
D) None of them

MCQ 33: At Ericson, UML was developed by

A) Grady Booch
B) James Rumbaugh
C) Ivar Jacobson
D) Robert Lafore

MCQ 34: Programming language which uses both object-oriented programming and functional programming paradigms is

A) Scala
B) Ada
C) Pascal
D) Machine language

MCQ 35: Law which states that every year or two, the capacities of computers have approximately doubled without any increase in price is

A) Moral's Law
B) Moore's Law
C) Malid's Law
D) Module's Law

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Control Structures App (Android & iOS)

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