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ios Format Flags Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 9

Free ios Format Flags Quiz Questions, ios format flags quiz answers PDF download chapter 17-9 to study online c++ degree courses. Practice Stream Input Output MCQ with answers PDF, ios Format Flags Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free learning app: ios Format Flags Quiz App Download & e-Book for operator overloading, arrays in c++, virtual functions, object oriented approach, ios format flags test prep for software engineering online courses.

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ios Format Flags Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 9

MCQ 41: Ios: : skipws, ios: : left, ios: : dec, ios: : fixed, is an example of

A) ios buffers
B) ios classes
C) ios format flags
D) ios character flags

MCQ 42: First object oriented language 'Smalltalk' were first appeared in

A) 1972
B) 1982
C) 1992
D) 2000

MCQ 43: In object oriented programming there are two distinct views, one is consumer and second is manufacturer view, that consumer action are called

A) Functions
B) Operations
C) Methods
D) All of them

MCQ 44: Each element of an array is searched against the searching key, is the specialty of

A) Bubble sort
B) Linear search
C) Binary search
D) All of them

MCQ 45: How many operators are supported by C++?

A) 30 operators
B) 40 operators
C) 45 operators
D) 65 operators

C++ Exam Prep Tests

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