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Chapter 11: C++ Exam Tests

C++ MCQs - Chapter 11

Introduction to Object Oriented Languages Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

Free Introduction to Object Oriented Languages Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Answers (Introduction to Object Oriented Languages MCQ PDF Book) download textbook Ch. 11-5 to study C++ Online Course. Practice OOP Languages MCQs, Introduction to Object Oriented Languages trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Introduction to Object Oriented Languages MCQs App Download: Free learning app for object oriented approach, basic objects oriented approach, c++ attributes career test for online college classes.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Pure object oriented language is; "Introduction to Object Oriented Languages" App Download (Free) with answers php, scala, c and matlab to study software engineering courses. Solve oop languages quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online computer science and engineering.

Introduction to Object Oriented Languages Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: Pure object oriented language is

  1. Scala
  2. PHP
  3. C
  4. Matlab

MCQ 22: Data and function in object oriented programming is encapsulated into

  1. single unit
  2. two different units
  3. global data
  4. local data

MCQ 23: In C++, object's function is known as

  1. member function
  2. bit function
  3. obj function
  4. linear function

MCQ 24: Language which is historically procedural languages, but have been extended with some object oriented features is

  1. Java
  2. PHP
  3. C
  4. C++

MCQ 25: For human being, eye color is a

  1. attribute
  2. behavior
  3. constant
  4. loop

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Introduction to Object Oriented Languages App (Android & iOS)

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