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Functions in C++ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Functions in C++ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Functions in C++ MCQ PDF Book) to learn online c++ degree courses. Practice Functions in C++ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Functions in C++ quiz answers PDF for computer science online programs. Free learning app: Functions in C++ MCQ App Download & e-Book for inline functions, header files, standard c library functions test prep for online computer engineering programs.

The MCQ: () parenthesis in a function call; "Functions in C++" App Download (Free) with answers is actually an operator in c++, causes the function to be called, causes syntax error for computer science online programs. Study functions in c++ quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for computer information science.

Functions in C++ MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The () parenthesis in a function call

A) is actually an operator in C++
B) Causes the function to be called
C) Causes syntax error
D) Both A and B

MCQ 2: A called function can return control to the caller if

A) The function does not return a value
B) If that function has no value in expression
C) If program ends successfully
D) All of them

MCQ 3: To declare identifiers for variables and functions of static storage class, which keywords are used?

A) extern keyword
B) static keyword
C) global keyword
D) Both A and B

MCQ 4: Which function is known as standard library function?

A) maths
B) main
C) sqrt
D) void

MCQ 5: A function in C++ that does not return a value is declared with

A) Empty return type
B) Void return type
C) Endl return type
D) Getchar return type

C++ Practice Tests

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Functions in C++ App (Android & iOS)

Functions in C++ App (Android & iOS)

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