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Character and String Literals Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

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The MCQ: String that contains zero characters is called; "Character and String Literals" App Download (Free) with answers empty string, idle string, vacant string to study software engineering courses. Study character and string literals quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for accelerated computer science degree online.

Character and String Literals MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The string that contains zero characters is called

A) Empty string
B) Idle string
C) Vacant string
D) None of them

MCQ 2: Which symbol is used for horizontal tab in C++?

A) /t
B) \t
C) \a
D) \n

MCQ 3: Empty string is denoted by

A) "0"
B) " "
C) 0;
D) 0

MCQ 4: The length of a string literal is determined by

A) Changing it into the integer type
B) Putting it into an array
C) The number of characters it contain
D) None of them

MCQ 5: Which function is offered by C++ for obtaining the length of any string?

A) len ( )
B) strlen ( )
C) string_length ( )
D) length ( )

C++ Practice Tests

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Character and String Literals App (Android & iOS)

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