BBA Finance Online Courses

Chapter 29: MBA Cost Accounting Exam Tests

MBA Cost Accounting MCQs - Chapter 29

Spoilage, Rework and Scrap Trivia Questions and Answers PDF - 4

Free Spoilage, Rework and Scrap Trivia Questions, Spoilage, Rework and Scrap Quiz Answers PDF Download, Book Ch. 29-4 to study MBA Cost Accounting Online Course. Solve Scrap and Byproducts Accounting MCQs, Spoilage, Rework and Scrap quiz questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Spoilage, Rework and Scrap Trivia App Download: Free educational app for types of spoilage, job costing and spoilage, wam and spoilage career test for online classes for bachelor's degree in business administration.

The MCQ Quiz: Costing, which explains how and when scrap affects the operating income of company is classified as; "Spoilage, Rework and Scrap" App APK Download (Free) with answers conversion costing, inventory costing, normal scrap costing, and abnormal scrap costing to study online educational courses. Practice scrap and byproducts accounting quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for business management classes online.

Spoilage, Rework & Scrap Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The costing, which explains how and when scrap affects the operating income of company is classified as

  1. inventory costing
  2. conversion costing
  3. normal scrap costing
  4. abnormal scrap costing

MCQ 17: An amount of spoilage that is natural in any particular production process is classified as

  1. normal scrap
  2. normal spoilage
  3. abnormal spoilage
  4. weighted spoilage

MCQ 18: The cost of abnormal spoilage is not treated as

  1. conversion costs
  2. sunk costs
  3. inventoriable costs
  4. non inventoriable costs

MCQ 19: If the units of normal spoilage are 150 and the total good units manufactured are 1500, then the normal spoilage rate would be

  1. 14%
  2. 15%
  3. 10%
  4. 12%

MCQ 20: Total transferred-out cost plus normal spoilage is divided by number of goods units produced, to calculate

  1. cost per good units transferred out
  2. cost per good units transferred in
  3. revenue per good units transferred out
  4. revenue per good units transferred in

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