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Quantum Theory Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Quantum Theory trivia questions and answers, quantum theory quiz answers PDF 150 to practice chemistry exam questions for online classes. Practice Atomic Structure quiz questions and answers, quantum theory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for online college degrees. Free quantum theory MCQs, molar volume, liquid crystals, chemical combinations, kinetic molecular theory of gases, quantum theory test prep for online bachelor degree programs.

"Frequency is measured for", quantum theory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices one hour, one minute, one second, and one millisecond to learn distance learning courses. Learn atomic structure questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for college entrance exams.

Trivia Quiz on Quantum Theory PDF Download eBook

Quantum Theory Quiz

MCQ: Frequency is measured for

  1. one minute
  2. one hour
  3. one second
  4. one millisecond


Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases Quiz

MCQ: In deducing Boyles law from the kinetic equation of gases the constant is

  1. 2/3kT
  2. 4/3kT
  3. 7/3kT
  4. 9/3kT


Chemical Combinations Quiz

MCQ: In a chemical combination of sodium hydride electron is gain by

  1. hydrogen
  2. sodium
  3. nitrogen
  4. none of above


Liquid Crystals Quiz

MCQ: Liquids crystals are

  1. isotropic
  2. anisotropic
  3. non isotropic
  4. non anisotropic


Molar Volume Quiz

MCQ: The gas molecules differ in their diameters from distance by

  1. 400
  2. 300
  3. 600
  4. 500