BBA: Management Courses

BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests

BBA Business Statistics Online Tests

Variance and Standard Deviation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Variance and Standard Deviation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Variance and Standard Deviation MCQ PDF Book) to learn online statistics degree courses. Practice Measures of Dispersion Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Variance and Standard Deviation quiz answers PDF to study business degree online courses. Free learning app: Variance and Standard Deviation MCQ App Download & e-Book for average deviation measures, variance and standard deviation, interquartile range of deviation test prep for online bachelor's degree in business management.

The MCQ: If total sum of square is 20 and the sample variance is 5 then total number of observations are; "Variance and Standard Deviation" App Download (Free) with answers 15, 25, 4 and 35 to study business degree online courses. Study variance and standard deviation quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online BBA degree.

Variance and Standard Deviation MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: If total sum of square is 20 and the sample variance is 5 then total number of observations are

A) 15
B) 25
C) 4
D) 35

MCQ 2: In manufacturing company, the number of employees in unit A is 40, the mean is USD $6400 and the number of employees in unit B is 30 with the mean of Rs. 5500 then the combined arithmetic mean is

A) 9500
B) 8000
C) 7014.29
D) 6014.29

MCQ 3: if the calculated value of total sum of squares in sample variance is larger than the variation in data set is considered as

A) smaller
B) greater
C) zero
D) negative

MCQ 4: The undesirable consequences which causes the estimated population variance to appear less as compared to real results are classified as

A) undesired error
B) bias
C) non-calculate error
D) non-zero error

MCQ 5: The formula in which Σ(x-x‾)² is divided by one less than number of observations in sample is classified as

A) coefficient of deviation
B) mean variance
C) sample variance
D) population variance

BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests

Variance and Standard Deviation Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Variance and Standard Deviation App (Android & iOS)

Variance and Standard Deviation App (Android & iOS)

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