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Standard Normal Probability Distribution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Standard Normal Probability Distribution Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Standard Normal Probability Distribution MCQ PDF Book) to learn online statistics degree courses. Practice Probability Distributions Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Standard Normal Probability Distribution quiz answers PDF to learn online BBA courses. Free learning app: Standard Normal Probability Distribution MCQ App Download & e-Book for rectangular distribution, binomial distribution, discrete probability distributions, standard normal probability distribution test prep for online business university.

The MCQ: Formula to calculate standardized normal random variable is; "Standard Normal Probability Distribution" App Download (Free) with answers x - μ ⁄ σ, x + μ ⁄ σ, x - σ ⁄ μ and x + σ ⁄ μ to learn online BBA courses. Study standard normal probability distribution quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online business administration degree.

Standard Normal Probability Distribution MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The formula to calculate standardized normal random variable is

A) x - μ ⁄ σ
B) x + μ ⁄ σ
C) x - σ ⁄ μ
D) x + σ ⁄ μ

MCQ 2: The formula in which the binomial distribution approaches normal probability distribution with the help of normal variable is written as

A) x - qn divided by square root of pq
B) x - np divided by square root of npq
C) x + np divided by square root of np
D) x - pq divided by square root of npq

MCQ 3: Consider the probability distribution as standard normal, if the value of μ is 75, the value of x is 120 with the unknown standard deviation of distribution then the value of z-statistic

A) will be one
B) will be zero
C) will be negative
D) will be positive

MCQ 4: If the value of x is less than μ of standard normal probability distribution then the

A) z-statistic is negative
B) z-statistic is positive
C) f(x) will be even number
D) f(x) will be prime number

MCQ 5: The standard normal probability distribution has mean equal to 40, whereas the value of random variable x is 80 and the z-statistic is equal to 1.8 then the standard deviation of standard normal probability distribution is

A) 120
B) 80
C) 40
D) 20

BBA Business Statistics Practice Tests

Standard Normal Probability Distribution Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Standard Normal Probability Distribution App (Android & iOS)

Standard Normal Probability Distribution App (Android & iOS)

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