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College Biology Online Tests

Transpiration Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Transpiration Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Transpiration MCQ PDF download to learn free biology online courses. Study Transport Biology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Transpiration quiz answers PDF to learn online certification courses. The Transpiration MCQ App Download: Free learning app for heart disorders, body disorders, amphibians, types of immunity test prep for online college for teaching degree.

The MCQ: Transpiration is very essential for plants as it helps plants to; "Transpiration" App Download (Free) with answers cools, exchange gases, remove water and uptake water to learn online certification courses. Practice transpiration quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for accredited online colleges.

Transpiration MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The transpiration is very essential for plants as it helps plants to

A) cools
B) exchange gases
C) remove water
D) uptake water

MCQ 2: The rate of transpiration is increased with the increase in

A) light
B) temperature
C) wind
D) all of above

MCQ 3: The water transpiration is done 90% by the process of

A) cuticular transpiration
B) lenticular transpiration
C) stomatal transpiration
D) sweating

MCQ 4: Transpiration that occurs from the vital organ lenticels present on the stem is termed as

A) cuticular transpiration
B) stomatal transpiration
C) lenticular transpiration
D) translocation

MCQ 5: In transpiration, the water leaves the cell of plants in the form of

A) ice
B) water droplets
C) sugars
D) dew

College Biology Practice Tests

Transpiration Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Transpiration App (Android & iOS)

Transpiration App (Android & iOS)

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