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Digestion and Absorption Quizzes Online MCQs PDF Download eBook

Digestion and Absorption quiz questions, digestion and absorption multiple choice questions and answers PDF 107 to learn biology course for online certification. Practice Nutrition quiz with answers, digestion and absorption Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) for online college degrees. Free digestion and absorption MCQs, coordination in animals, emergence and implication - cell theory, skeleton deformities, animals: growth and development, digestion and absorption test prep for GRE practice test.

"The semi-solid mass which is produced after thoroughly mix up of food and gastric juice is called", digestion and absorption Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with choices chyme, bolus, bile, and villus to study distance learning courses. Learn nutrition questions and answers to improve problem solving skills to learn online certificate courses. Digestion & Absorption Video

Digestion & Absorption Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Digestion and Absorption Quiz

MCQ: The semi-solid mass which is produced after thoroughly mix up of food and gastric juice is called

  1. bolus
  2. chyme
  3. bile
  4. villus


Animals: Growth and Development Quiz

MCQ: During gastrulation, the blastoderm splits into

  1. two layers
  2. one layer
  3. three layers
  4. four layers


Skeleton Deformities Quiz

MCQ: In Osteoporosis, the mass of bone is reduced and is caused by low levels of

  1. estrogen
  2. calcium
  3. vitamin-D
  4. minerals


Emergence and Implication - Cell Theory Quiz

MCQ: The structural and functional unit of life is called

  1. cell
  2. tissues
  3. organelle
  4. DNA


Coordination in Animals Quiz

MCQ: A synapse, the axon endings of one neuron are connected to the

  1. axon of next neuron
  2. cell body of next neuron
  3. dendrites of next neuron
  4. dendron of next neuron