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College Biology Practice Test 47

Receptors Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 47

The e-Book Receptors Quiz Questions and Answers, receptors Quiz MCQs PDF download, chapter 5-47 to study free biology online courses. Study Coordination and Control MCQ Questions PDF, receptors Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Receptors Trivia App Download: Free educational app for receptors, coordination in animals, vertebrae test prep for online associates degree.

The Quiz: Detection of vibration of the ground by terrestrial vertebrates is because of the receptors in; "Receptors" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers joints, muscles, bones and cartilage to study online educational courses. Practice coordination and control questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for free online college courses.

Receptors Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 47

MCQ 231: The detection of vibration of the ground by terrestrial vertebrates is because of the receptors in

A) muscles
B) Joints
C) bones
D) cartilage

MCQ 232: Fibers from the eyes terminate in which part of the brain?

A) touch area
B) smell area
C) visual cortex
D) sound detection

MCQ 233: The cervical vertebrae are 7 in number and lie in the region of

A) thoracic
B) pelvic
C) neck
D) medulla

MCQ 234: During the breeding condition, a male three-spined stickleback fish has a

A) blue belly
B) white belly
C) yellow belly
D) red belly

MCQ 235: The phenomena that some cells evoke a specific developmental response in other cells is

A) embryonic influence
B) embryonic induction
C) embryonic stimulation
D) embryonic dominance

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Receptors App (Android & iOS)

Receptors App (Android & iOS)

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