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College Biology Practice Test 378

Coordination in Animals MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 378

Free Coordination in Animals Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Coordination in Animals MCQ PDF Download, Book Test 5-378 to learn biology online courses. Study Coordination and Control quiz answers PDF, coordination in animals Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Coordination in Animals MCQs App Download: Free educational app for coordination in animals, nephrons, body disorders test prep for online colleges for teaching.

The MCQs: In the cell body of the neuron, there are some specialized granules named; "Coordination in Animals" App Download (iOS & Android) Free with answers nissl's granules, ervin's granules, alois's granules and darwin's granules to study online tutor courses. Practice coordination and control questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for GRE test prep classes.

Coordination in Animals Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 378

MCQ 1886: In the cell body of the neuron, there are some specialized granules named

  1. Ervin's granules
  2. Nissl's granules
  3. Alois's granules
  4. Darwin's granules

MCQ 1887: The inner end of nephrons is a cup-shaped swelling structure known as

  1. glomerulus
  2. Bowman's capsule
  3. medulla
  4. Bowman's net

MCQ 1888: Electrical impulses are sent to atrial muscles to contract both

  1. ventricles
  2. auricles
  3. atria
  4. arteries

MCQ 1889: The hormone produce their effect by

  1. initiating new biochemical reactions
  2. regulating already present chemical reactions
  3. synthesizing new compounds
  4. none of others

MCQ 1890: Amoeba and paramecium possess a specialized structure for removing water from the body, called

  1. contractile vacuoles
  2. flagella
  3. pseudopodia
  4. ligament

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Coordination in Animals Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Coordination in Animals App (Android & iOS)

Coordination in Animals App (Android & iOS)

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