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Fertilized Ovum Quiz PDF: Questions and Answers - 387

The e-Book Fertilized Ovum Quiz Questions and Answers, fertilized ovum Quiz MCQs PDF download, chapter 16-387 to study online biology degree programs. Study Reproduction MCQ Questions PDF, fertilized ovum Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. Free educational app: Fertilized Ovum Trivia App Download & e-Book for fertilized ovum, sponges, introduction to reproduction, metabolic waste, heart disorders test prep for best two year degrees.

The Quiz: Release of ovum from the follicle or ovulation is induced by; "Fertilized Ovum" App Download (Android & iOS) Free with answers follicle stimulating hormone (fsh), luteinizing hormone (lh), thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) and somatotrophin hormone (sth) to learn online educational courses. Practice reproduction questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for GRE subject tests.

Fertilized Ovum Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 387

MCQ 1931: The release of ovum from the follicle or ovulation is induced by

A) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
B) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
C) Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
D) Somatotrophin Hormone (STH)

MCQ 1932: The body of sponges contain special out layer made up of cells called

A) spongecytes
B) cytes
C) cnidocytes
D) pinaocytes

MCQ 1933: A single parental organism which gives rise to offspring by mitotic cell division is called

A) sexual reproduction
B) asexual reproduction
C) reduction division
D) budding

MCQ 1934: The presence of metabolic waste in the body can cause serious hazards hence they should be

A) retained
B) consumed
C) eliminated
D) recycled

MCQ 1935: The relaxed period of heart chambers is known as

A) systole
B) diastole
C) ventricular systole
D) atrial diastole

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