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Chapter 20: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 20

What is Homeostasis Trivia Questions and Answers PDF - 4

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What is Homeostasis Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The arginine is split to form urea by the enzyme activity of

  1. arginase
  2. ornithine
  3. carboxylate
  4. sulfuricate

MCQ 17: The smallest contractile unit of muscle fiber is

  1. myofilament
  2. fibrils
  3. tendons
  4. sarcomere

MCQ 18: The ureter of both kidneys pour the urine in to

  1. pelvis
  2. urinary bladder
  3. urethra
  4. ureter

MCQ 19: The protection of the internal environment from the harms by the external environment is termed as

  1. thermoregulation
  2. homeostasis
  3. osmoregulation
  4. nerve impulse

MCQ 20: In the presence of hypo osmotic body fluids, the inhibition occurs in the production of the hormone

  1. antidiuretic
  2. diuretic
  3. aldosterone
  4. adrenaline

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What is Homeostasis App (Android & iOS)

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