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Chapter 19: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 19

Variety of life Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 7

Free Variety of life Quiz Questions, Variety of life quiz answers PDF, test 7 to learn online College Biology Course. Practice Viruses MCQs, Variety of life MCQ questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. Free learning app: Variety of life Quiz App Download & e-Book for bacteriophage, hiv virus career test for schools that offer certificate programs.

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Variety of life Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 7

MCQ 31: A virus which is passed on to progeny cells after being incorporated in the host genome is called

A) retrovirus
B) provirus
C) bacteriophage
D) capsid

MCQ 32: The disease in which fluid-filled vesicles are formed on the body which takes the shape of pustules and leaves pitted scars is

A) measles
B) small pox
C) mumps
D) chicken pox

MCQ 33: The shape of the head of a bacteriophage is

A) spiral
B) elongated
C) pyramidal
D) elongated pyramidal

MCQ 34: Numerous micro-organisms which may be infectious proteins are the

A) clones
B) virions
C) bacteriophage
D) prions

MCQ 35: HIV target the major cells in the human body known as

A) C-lymphocytes
B) D-lymphocytes
C) E-lymphocytes
D) T-lymphocytes

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Variety of life App (Android & iOS)

Variety of life App (Android & iOS)

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