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Chapter 14: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 14

Kingdom Protoctista MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

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Kingdom Protoctista Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: The special organelle which plays an important role in the regulation of water in freshwater ciliates is called

A) nucleus
B) contractile vacuole
C) mitochondria
D) centrioles

MCQ 7: Diatoms are major producers and form aquatic

A) food
B) oxygen
C) food chain
D) silicates

MCQ 8: Myxomycota is also termed as

A) fungus
B) molds
C) water molds
D) slime molds

MCQ 9: The thread-like structures present on the body of fungi is

A) mycelium
B) fungus
C) hyphae
D) molass

MCQ 10: Radiolarian is an example of a unicellular organism and its common name is

A) antipodes
B) actipods
C) actinipods
D) nematodes

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Kingdom Protoctista App (Android & iOS)

Kingdom Protoctista App (Android & iOS)

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