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Chapter 13: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 13

Kingdom Prokaryotae Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 7

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Kingdom Prokaryotae Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 7

MCQ 31: The chemotherapeutic chemical substances which are used to treat infectious diseases are

A) antiseptics
B) antibiotics
C) antifungal
D) anti inflammatory

MCQ 32: Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek described the microbes like bacteria and protozoa and called them as

A) animalcules
B) macromolecules
C) micromolecules
D) planolecules

MCQ 33: Pseudomonas is an example of bacteria which is

A) aerobic
B) anaerobic
C) facultative
D) parasitic

MCQ 34: Green sulfur bacteria and purple sulfur bacteria are examples of

A) photosynthetic bacteria
B) chemosynthetic bacteria
C) heterotrophic
D) autotrophic

MCQ 35: The dormant, resistant bodies which develop during the differentiation of vegetative cells are

A) pili
B) cysts
C) buds
D) spores

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Kingdom Prokaryotae App (Android & iOS)

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