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Chapter 5: College Biology Exam Tests

College Biology MCQs - Chapter 5

Coordination and Control Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

The e-Book Coordination and Control Trivia Questions, Coordination and Control quiz answers PDF download, test 4 to study free College Biology Online Course. Solve Coordination in Animals MCQs, Coordination and Control quiz questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Coordination and Control Trivia App Download: Free educational app for career test for colleges that offer online degrees.

The MCQ Quiz: Length of axon may be more than; "Coordination and Control" App APK Download (Free) with answers one meter long, five meter long, two meter long, and three meter long to learn online training courses. Practice coordination in animals quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for online colleges that offer financial aid.

Coordination & Control Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The length of axon may be more than

  1. five meter long
  2. one meter long
  3. two meter long
  4. three meter long

MCQ 17: Na+ diffusion into the neuron causes its membrane to undergo

  1. polarization
  2. depolarization
  3. neutralization
  4. semi-polarization

MCQ 18: Distention of cervix stimulates the release of

  1. testosterone
  2. oestrogen
  3. oxytocin
  4. thyroxine

MCQ 19: Cranial nerves also known as cerebral nerves arise from the

  1. brain
  2. spinal cord
  3. vertebral column
  4. peripheral nerves

MCQ 20: The meaning of the word Cephalo is

  1. neck
  2. shoulders
  3. head
  4. brain

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Coordination & Control App (Android & iOS)

Coordination & Control App (Android & iOS)

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College Biology App (Android & iOS)

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