BBA: Marketing Courses

Chapter 16: Principles of Marketing Exam Tests

Principles of Marketing MCQs - Chapter 16

Pricing: Capturing Customer Value MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

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The MCQ: Low involved buying behavior of consumers while perceiving significant differences between brands is called; "Pricing Capturing Customer Value" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers variety seeking buying behavior, complex buying behavior, dissonance reducing buying behavior and habitual buying behavior to learn online MBA marketing courses. Practice customer value based pricing quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for business administration degree courses.

Pricing Capturing Customer Value Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: The low involved buying behavior of consumers while perceiving significant differences between brands is called

A) complex buying behavior
B) variety seeking buying behavior
C) dissonance reducing buying behavior
D) habitual buying behavior

MCQ 7: The customer market division done on the basis of 'compulsive, ambitious and outgoing customers' classified as

A) geographic segmentation
B) demographic segmentation
C) psychographic segmentation
D) behavioral segmentation

MCQ 8: According to 'Maslow's hierarchy of needs', the need of recognition and status is classified as

A) physiological needs
B) social needs
C) safety needs
D) esteem needs

MCQ 9: The positioning statement must state the category of brands and its

A) points of differences
B) price
C) place
D) distribution channel

MCQ 10: The 'local or individual marketing' is also called as

A) mass marketing
B) segmented marketing
C) niche marketing
D) micromarketing

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Pricing Capturing Customer Value App (Android & iOS)

Pricing Capturing Customer Value App (Android & iOS)

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