BBA: Marketing Courses

Principles of Marketing Practice Tests

Principles of Marketing Online Tests

Market Targeting Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Market Targeting Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Market Targeting MCQ PDF download to learn free marketing online courses. Practice Customer Driven Marketing Strategy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Market Targeting quiz answers PDF for online marketing certificate programs. The Market Targeting MCQ App Download: Free learning app for market segmentation, market targeting test prep for online courses for business management degree.

The MCQ: Firm that operates in more than one country gains production, marketing and financial advantages that are not available to domestic competitors is called; "Market Targeting" App Download (Free) with answers global firm, expanding firm, premium firm and challenger firm for online marketing certificate programs. Study market targeting quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online BS business administration.

Market Targeting MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The firm that operates in more than one country gains production, marketing and financial advantages that are not available to domestic competitors is called

A) global firm
B) expanding firm
C) premium firm
D) challenger firm

MCQ 2: The way of designing international channels to manage entire supply chain which leads to global value delivery network is classified as

A) whole strategic view
B) whole channel view
C) whole product adaptation
D) whole communication adaptation

MCQ 3: The countries having industrial economic structure are

A) Saudi Arabia and Chile
B) Brazil and China
C) United States and Japan
D) both a and b

MCQ 4: The global product strategy in which product to be marketed is changed a little to be adapted in foreign market is classified as

A) product adaptation
B) straight product extension
C) dual adaptation
D) communication adaptation

MCQ 5: The way of selling goods produced in home country with little modification or no modification into foreign market is classified as

A) exporting
B) importing
C) joint venturing
D) licensing

Principles Of Marketing Practice Tests

Market Targeting Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Market Targeting App (Android & iOS)

Market Targeting App (Android & iOS)

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