BBA Management Online Courses

Chapter 8: BBA Marketing Management Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management MCQs - Chapter 8

Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

Free Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships MCQs PDF Download, Book Test 8-1 to study BBA Marketing Management Online Course. Practice Cultivating Customer Relationships MCQs, Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships MCQs App Download: Free learning app for total customer satisfaction, building customer value, satisfaction and loyalty, customer databases and databases marketing career test for online school of business administration.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Regular customers of company's products are rewarded by the designed programs, are classified as; "Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships" App Download (Free) with answers frequency programs, customer's program, distribution programs to learn distance learning courses. Solve cultivating customer relationships quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online business administration and management degree.

Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1: The regular customers of company's products are rewarded by the designed programs, are classified as

  1. customer's program
  2. frequency programs
  3. distribution programs
  4. None of above

MCQ 2: A persons feeling of pleasure which results in products performance that match expectations is called

  1. satisfaction
  2. dissatisfaction
  3. distinctive proposition
  4. superior value

MCQ 3: The marketing messages that are based to respect consumer's wishes and willingness is classified as

  1. permission marketing
  2. supplier marketing
  3. customer specified marketing
  4. activity marketing

MCQ 4: The second step in 'customer value analysis' is

  1. assessing quantitative importance
  2. examining specific segment
  3. monitoring customer value
  4. identifying benefits

MCQ 5: The collection of individual customer comprehensive information which is accessible and actionable is classified as

  1. company database
  2. individual database
  3. customer database
  4. detailed database

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Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships App (Android & iOS)

Creating Long-term Loyalty Relationships App (Android & iOS)

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