BBA: Management Courses

Chapter 6: BBA Marketing Management Exam Tests

BBA Marketing Management MCQs - Chapter 6

Crafting Brand Positioning Multiple Choice Questions PDF Download - 5

The e-Book Crafting Brand Positioning Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Crafting Brand Positioning MCQ Quiz PDF download, test 5 to study free BBA Marketing Management Online Course. Practice Developing Brand Positioning MCQs, Crafting Brand Positioning trivia questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Crafting Brand Positioning MCQs App Download: Free learning app for brand association career test for business administration and management colleges.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ Quiz): Attributes or benefits associated to overcome the customer's perceived weakness are classified as; "Crafting Brand Positioning" App Download (Free) with answers comparative points of difference, desirable points of parity, competitive points of parity and category points of parity for online digital marketing certificate. Solve developing brand positioning quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online bachelor's degree in administration.

Crafting Brand Positioning Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 5

MCQ 21: The attributes or benefits associated to overcome the customer's perceived weakness are classified as

A) desirable points of parity
B) comparative points of difference
C) competitive points of parity
D) category points of parity

MCQ 22: The brand association which can be made because of internal resources and feasible commitment is classified as

A) desirability
B) deliverability
C) differentiability
D) feasibility

MCQ 23: The brand association which can be made superior and distinctive relevance to competitor's is classified as

A) desirability
B) deliverability
C) differentiability
D) feasibility

MCQ 24: The product or set of product which functions are close substitutes is classified as

A) competitive membership
B) category membership
C) position membership
D) target membership

MCQ 25: The benefits or characteristics that customers strongly attribute with the brand are considered as

A) points of association
B) points of differences
C) points of references
D) points of positioning

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