BBA: Management Courses

BBA Marketing Management Practice Tests

BBA Marketing Management Online Tests

Channels Importance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

The e-Book Channels Importance Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Channels Importance MCQ PDF download to learn free marketing management online courses. Practice Integrated Marketing Channels Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Channels Importance quiz answers PDF to learn online MBA marketing courses. The Channels Importance MCQ App Download: Free learning app for terms and responsibilities of channel members, channels importance, scm value networks test prep for online business administration degree.

The MCQ: Strategy of marketing channel system in which company's sales force carry, promote and sell products to end users is classified as; "Channels Importance" App Download (Free) with answers shallow strategy, push strategy, pull strategy and bundle strategy to learn online MBA marketing courses. Study channels importance quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online colleges for business management.

Channels Importance MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ : The strategy of marketing channel system in which company's sales force carry, promote and sell products to end users is classified as

  1. shallow strategy
  2. push strategy
  3. pull strategy
  4. bundle strategy

MCQ 1: Considering marketing channel system, the strategies used by companies to manage intermediaries are

  1. push strategy
  2. pull strategy
  3. bundle strategy
  4. both A and B

MCQ 2: The marketing channel strategy is used for products with low brand loyalty and product, is an impulse item is classified as

  1. bundle strategy
  2. shallow strategy
  3. push strategy
  4. pull strategy

MCQ 3: The marketing channel strategy in which manufacturer uses different means of communication to persuade customers is classified as

  1. push strategy
  2. pull strategy
  3. bundle strategy
  4. shallow strategy

MCQ 4: The particular set of marketing channels employed by company is classified as

  1. marketing channel system
  2. predatory channel system
  3. discount channel system
  4. quotation channel system

BBA Marketing Management Practice Tests

Channels Importance Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Channels Importance App (Android & iOS)

Channels Importance App (Android & iOS)

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