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Basic Factors in Determining Pay Rates Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download eBook

Practice Basic Factors in Determining Pay Rates quiz questions and answers, basic factors in determining pay rates MCQs with answers PDF to solve HR worksheet 142 for online graduate programs. Practice Establishing Strategic Pay Plans quiz questions with answers, basic factors in determining pay rates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) to solve HRM test with answers for online human resources degree. Free basic factors in determining pay rates MCQs, types of strategies, money and motivation, equity theory, techniques for appraising performance, basic factors in determining pay rates test prep for online business administration degree.

"The wages and salaries are included in", basic factors in determining pay rates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices indirect financial payments, direct financial payments, compensations, and counseling for online business management degree. Learn establishing strategic pay plans questions and answers with free online certification courses for BS degree in business administration. Basic Factors in Determining Pay Rates Video

Quiz on Basic Factors in Determining Pay Rates PDF Download eBook

Basic Factors in Determining Pay Rates Quiz

MCQ: The wages and salaries are included in

  1. direct financial payments
  2. indirect financial payments
  3. compensations
  4. counseling


Techniques for Appraising Performance Quiz

MCQ: The performance rating as good or bad on the numerical rating scale is called

  1. critical incident method
  2. forced distribution method
  3. behaviorally anchored rating scale
  4. paired comparison method


Equity Theory Quiz

MCQ: The equity theory of motivation includes

  1. external equity
  2. internal equity
  3. individual equity
  4. all of above


Money and Motivation Quiz

MCQ: The type of employees pay rate in which pay is attached with productivity is called

  1. fixed pay
  2. variable pay
  3. fixed-variable pay
  4. mixed pay


Types of strategies Quiz

MCQ: The company 'Asian paints' operates in 18 countries is an example of

  1. Horizontal integration
  2. Vertical integration
  3. Geographic expansion
  4. none of above