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Taxes & Efficiency Questions and Answers PDF Download 33

Practice Taxes and Efficiency trivia questions and answers, taxes and efficiency quiz answers PDF to solve economics mock test 33 for online degrees. Practice Design of Tax System trivia questions and answers, taxes and efficiency multiple choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) to solve taxes and efficiency test with answers for online university degrees. Free taxes and efficiency MCQs, economies of scale and international trade, determinants of trade, income determination in closed economy, balance of payments accounting principles, taxes and efficiency test prep for online schools for business management.

"The method of collecting income tax in which the taxes paid increase with the amount of earned income is known as", taxes and efficiency Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices vertical equity, horizontal equity, proportional tax, and progressive tax to study e-learning courses. Learn design of tax system questions and answers with free online certification courses for online schools for business administration.

Trivia Quiz on Taxes & Efficiency PDF Download 33

Taxes & Efficiency Quiz

MCQ: The method of collecting income tax in which the taxes paid increase with the amount of earned income is known as

  1. horizontal equity
  2. vertical equity
  3. proportional tax
  4. progressive tax


Balance of Payments Accounting Principles Quiz

MCQ: The concept that refers to the movement of assets out of a country is known as

  1. capital outflow
  2. capital inflow
  3. net outflow
  4. net inflow


Income Determination in Closed Economy Quiz

MCQ: The investment that enlarges economy's stock of real capital assets thereby adding to productive capacity is called as

  1. gross investment
  2. net investment
  3. private investment
  4. public investment


Determinants of Trade Quiz

MCQ: When there is no intervention of international trade, there only comes equilibrium at

  1. domestic balance
  2. worldwide balance
  3. trade balance
  4. trade Benelux


Economies of Scale & International Trade Quiz

MCQ: With more units of goods or services producing at a larger unit along with fewer input cost, the only concept be achieved is

  1. diseconomies of scale
  2. economies of scale
  3. economic growth
  4. external economies of scale