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Income Determination in Closed Economy Questions and Answers PDF Download 24

Practice Income Determination in Closed Economy trivia questions and answers, income determination in closed economy quiz answers PDF to solve economics mock test 24 for online degrees. Practice Income Adjustment Mechanism and Synthesis of Automatic Adjustments trivia questions and answers, income determination in closed economy multiple choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) to solve income determination in closed economy test with answers for online university degrees. Free income determination in closed economy MCQs, trade creating custom unions, partial equilibrium analysis, income determination in closed economy test prep for online bachelor degree programs in business administration.

"The amount imports increase or decrease with each unit rise or decline in disposable income is known as", income determination in closed economy Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with choices marginal propensity to consume, marginal propensity to save, marginal propensity to import, and marginal propensity to export to learn distance learning courses. Learn income adjustment mechanism and synthesis of automatic adjustments questions and answers with free online certification courses for online BBA business administration.

Trivia Quiz on Income Determination in Closed Economy PDF Download 24

Income Determination in Closed Economy Quiz

MCQ: The amount imports increase or decrease with each unit rise or decline in disposable income is known as

  1. marginal propensity to save
  2. marginal propensity to consume
  3. marginal propensity to import
  4. marginal propensity to export


Partial Equilibrium Analysis Quiz

MCQ: The slope of the offer curve is the point that tells the country's

  1. autarky price
  2. optimum price
  3. pareto efficiency
  4. equilibrium


Trade Creating Custom Unions Quiz

MCQ: The concept that relates with the redirection of international trade due to the formation of a free trade area is called as

  1. trade creation
  2. trade diversion
  3. trade bloc
  4. trade deflection


Demand Curve Quiz

MCQ: The quantity of a commodity, good or service that people are willing to buy for a particular span of time is known as

  1. law of demand
  2. budget line
  3. quantity demanded
  4. quantity supplied


Income Determination in Closed Economy Quiz

MCQ: A country's exports or imports affect the national income of the other country which, in turn, affects the foreign trade and national income of the first country, this effect is known as

  1. local repercussions
  2. foreign repercussions
  3. liable repercussions
  4. social repercussions