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Chapter 11: Applied Physics Exam Tests

Applied Physics MCQs - Chapter 11

Measurements in Applied Physics Trivia Questions and Answers PDF - 12

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Measurements in Applied Physics Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 12

MCQ 56: Branch of physics that deals with the study and properties of solids is called

  1. nuclear physics
  2. chemistry
  3. solid state physics
  4. particle physics

MCQ 57: "Candela", according to the system international is a

  1. base unit
  2. derived unit
  3. supplementary unit
  4. international unit

MCQ 58: "Physics is the branch of science" the name PHYSICS means

  1. matter
  2. material
  3. nature
  4. galaxy

MCQ 59: Physical quantities that can be described with the help of other quantities are called

  1. base quantities
  2. derived quantities
  3. mechanical quantities
  4. both a and b

MCQ 60: Zero digit is the only digit that

  1. maybe significant
  2. may not be significant
  3. is significant
  4. both a and b

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