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Chapter 9: Applied Physics Exam Tests

Applied Physics MCQs - Chapter 9

Electrostatic Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 3

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Electrostatic Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 3

MCQ 11: ERG used for activity of an eye is an abbreviation of

A) eyeretinography
B) electroretinography
C) electricalretinography
D) both a and b

MCQ 12: Formula that describes the statement of Coulomb's law is

A) f = kQ1Q2/r²
B) f = Q1Q2/r²
C) f = kQ/r²
D) f = kQ1Q2/r

MCQ 13: For Gauss's law, point charges in closed surface must be distributed

A) arbitrarily
B) sequentially
C) rational
D) in line

MCQ 14: The value of the constant K in the Coulomb's law has the value of

A) 9 × 10³
B) 9 × 105
C) 9 × 107
D) 9 × 109

MCQ 15: 1 µF of capacitance is equal to

A) 10-2 F
B) 10-3 F
C) 10-4 F
D) 10-6 F

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