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Chapter 6: Applied Physics Exam Tests

Applied Physics MCQs - Chapter 6

Electromagnetic Induction in Physics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF - 4

The e-Book Electromagnetic Induction in Physics Trivia Questions, Electromagnetic Induction in Physics quiz answers PDF download, test 4 to study free Applied Physics Online Course. Solve Induced Current and EMF MCQs, Electromagnetic Induction in Physics quiz questions and answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Electromagnetic Induction in Physics Trivia App Download: Free educational app for transformers, induction in physics, electromagnetic induction career test for online college courses.

The MCQ Quiz: Induced current can be increased by; "Electromagnetic Induction in Physics" App APK Download (Free) with answers moving loop faster, stronger field, coil of less turns, and both a and b to study online certification courses. Practice induced current and emf quiz questions, download Kindle eBook (Free Sample) for best ACT prep courses online.

Electromagnetic Induction in Physics Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 4

MCQ 16: The induced current can be increased by

A) stronger field
B) moving loop faster
C) coil of less turns
D) both a and b

MCQ 17: The turn ratio (r) for a step-up transformer is

A) r = 0
B) r > 1
C) r < 1
D) r = 1

MCQ 18: Changing current in one coil induces EMF in another, this phenomena is known as

B) induced EMF
C) self-induction
D) mutual induction

MCQ 19: A helium nucleus enters perpendicularly in magnetic field 'B' with velocity 'v', then magnetic force acting on it will be

A) 2 Bev
B) zero
C) evB
D) evB/2

MCQ 20: Lenz's law is in accordance with law of conservation of

A) energy
B) mass
C) charge
D) momentum

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