BBA: Management Courses

Chapter 8: Business Mathematics Exam Tests

Business Mathematics MCQs - Chapter 8

Matrix Algebra MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

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Matrix Algebra Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: In square matrix, all elements other than elements along primary diagonal are

A) equal to zero
B) equal to two
C) equal to three
D) equal to one

MCQ 7: According to determinant properties, the multiple of one row is added to another row then the determinant

A) changed
B) unchanged
C) multiplied
D) added

MCQ 8: The method in which rows and columns are cross off and minor determinants are involved is classified as

A) method of three factor
B) method of cofactors
C) method of one factor
D) method of two factor

MCQ 9: The matrix which does not have an inverse by solving it, is classified as

A) unidentified matrix
B) linear matrix
C) non-singular matrix
D) singular matrix

MCQ 10: In Gaussian reduction procedure, the row operations are performed to transform matrix A into

A) (m x m) identity matrix
B) (n x n) identity matrix
C) (f x p) identity matrix
D) (p x p) identity matrix

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