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Chapter 1: Business Mathematics Exam Tests

Business Mathematics MCQs - Chapter 1

Exponential and Logarithmic Functions MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF - 2

The e-Book Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions MCQ PDF download, test 2 to learn free Business Mathematics Online Course. Solve Characteristics of Exponential Functions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Exponential and Logarithmic Functions quiz with answers PDF to prepare for job interview. The Exponential and Logarithmic Functions MCQ App Download: Free educational app for applied math: exponential function career test for colleges that offer business administration.

The MCQ: Way of expression of logarithms is classified as; "Exponential and Logarithmic Functions" App Download Android & iOS (Free) with answers y = log(x), x = log(y), y = 10log(x) and x = log(xy) for bachelors in business online. Practice characteristics of exponential functions quiz questions, download Apple Book (Free Sample) for online bachelor's degree in business.

Exponential & Logarithmic Functions Questions & Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 2

MCQ 6: The way of expression of logarithms is classified as

A) x = log(y)
B) y = log(x)
C) y = 10log(x)
D) x = log(xy)

MCQ 7: In the exponential function class ƒ(x) = bx where b > 1, the greater rate of increase in x is dependent on

A) large magnitude of base a
B) large magnitude of base y
C) large magnitude of base b
D) large magnitude of base x

MCQ 8: The log of 8000 as ln8000 is

A) 8.9872
B) 9.9872
C) 7.9872
D) 6.7892

MCQ 9: In the exponential function class ƒ(x) = bx where b > 1, the function between x and y is classified as

A) y is decreasing function of x
B) x is decreasing function of y
C) x is increasing function of y
D) y is increasing function of x

MCQ 10: The formula of doubling time of exponential growth is

A) t = ln2⁄k
B) ln2 = t⁄k
C) 2k = k⁄ln2
D) ln2t = k⁄2t

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Exponential & Logarithmic Functions App (Android & iOS)

Exponential & Logarithmic Functions App (Android & iOS)

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